NextGen Leaders is proud to stand with the Transgender community, this month and every month, year in and year out. As the march toward full equality moves forward, we celebrate the vision, commitment and courage of countless Transgender people who lead and elevate us all just by being who they are. Yet along with progress, set backs seem almost inevitable. Recent efforts to pull back basic civil rights have had a chilling effect on the lives of people who want nothing more than to live
their truth, be treated fairly and to serve their communities and their country with dignity and excellence. Worse, 22 Transgender Americans, the majority of them trans women of color, have been brutally murdered already this year.
We believe that America, and all Americans, are better than that. We believe in the many trans and gender nonconforming Fellows and Alumni who have passed through our programs and are part of a vibrant network of leaders. Going forward, we will redouble our commitment to Trans equality and look forward to expanding our work with partner organizations across the country so that every Trans person can become the leader they were born to be.